Principal's Message
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year. As we start the new school year together on Monday, August 14, 2023, the staff at Wolters Elementary School looks forward to working with you and your child. Our staff strongly believes that the education of children is a partnership between the home and the school, and that parent involvement is crucial to the success of our students. Please mark August 17, 2023, for Wolters Back to School Night from 5:00-6:30pm where you will meet our staff and receive important information about the coming school year.
The Wolters Elementary office will extend their hours on Thursday, August 3, 2023, and Tuesday, August 8, 2023, for registration. The office will be open through 7:00pm.
For Bus Schedules, please check the Fresno Unified School District’s website at:
Class lists will be posted Thursday, August 10, 2023 on the office windows. These lists will indicate your child’s teacher and room number. No room changes will be made prior to Monday, August 28, 2023. Please note that due to the possible enrollment changes we may need to create or collapse classrooms. There is a possibility that your child may be moved to a different class. We will contact you if this occurs.
Wolters Elementary School Daily Schedule:
*Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten 8:15am-1:40pm
*Grades 1st – 6th 8:15am-2:50pm
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held during the week of October 16 through October 20, 2023, and dismissal will be 60 minutes prior to our regular dismissal. During parent conference week, our dismissal for students in grades 1 – 6 will be at 1:50pm each day to accommodate the parent conference schedule. TK/Kindergarten will dismiss at 12:40pm.
Breakfast is served from 7:40am and our Extended Learning Program is available daily until 6:00pm.
The staff at Wolters Elementary is committed to providing an education that will prepare your child to be a career ready graduate and we look forward to working with you toward this goal.
May Her
Wolters Elementary, Principal
Phone: (559) 248-7340
FAX: (559) 248-7342